Arctic Logistics
Past Arctic Research-Focused Logistics Workshops and Plans
(Click on an image below to link to a digital copy)
James Morison and Jacqueline Richter-Menge (workshop co-chairs), Kristina Creek, Peter Griffith, Steve Oberbauer, Sophia Perdikaris, Matthew Shupe, Craig Tweedie, and Helen Wiggins (eds.). Increasing Arctic Accessibility Over the Next Twenty Years: Arctic Research Support and Logistics Workshop Report. Fairbanks, Alaska: ARCUS, 2014. 56 pp.
Jones, B.M., editor. 2024. Planning for the Next 25 years of Arctic Research, Support, and Logistics: Reflections and Recommendations from the NARL 75th Anniversary and the Enhancing Arctic Science and Engineering Workshop, August 1-5, 2022, Utqiaġvik, Alaska. Workshop Report. University of Alaska Fairbanks, Fairbanks, AK, USA.